Tower Health Medical Group's Street Medicine Program offers primary and preventative care to the unsheltered homeless, shelter residents, and anyone who is at high risk of experiencing homelessness.

Our Mission

  • Deliver equitable and patient-centered primary and acute healthcare services to individuals experiencing homeless
  • Increase accessibility and continuity of care by connecting patients to healthcare services through telehealth
  • Provide patient case management services and inpatient consultations
  • Educate patients on available community services and resources
When Should I Visit the Doctor?

Doctors can see you for many health needs. Come see us if you have a new health problem or something you have had for a long time. Here are a few examples:

  • Medicine refills
  • Cold symptoms
  • Sore muscles and joints
  • Flu shots
  • Blood pressure checks
  • A new or long-term wound
  • Diabetes education
  • Trouble with your feet
Cuándo Debo Visitar al Doctor?

Los doctores pueden atenderlo por muchas situaciones de salud. Usted puede venir si tiene un nuevo problema de salud o algo que haya tenido por mucho tiempo. Aquí hay unos ejemplos:

  • Renovación de medicamentos
  • Síntomas de gripe
  • Músculos y coyunturas adoloridas
  • Una herida nueva o de hace mucho tiempo
  • Vacunas contra la influenza
  • Revisiones de presión sanguinea
  • Educación acerca de la diabetes
  • Problemas con sus pies

Our Innovative Approach to Care

At the conclusion of the 2016 Berks County Community Health Needs Assessment, one of the key priority areas identified was access to care. One population within our community that struggles the most with accessing quality healthcare are those who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

Our Street Medicine Program has four basic components:

  1. Deliver equitable and patient-centered primary and acute healthcare services to homeless individuals
  2. Increase accessibility and continuity of care by connecting patients to healthcare services through telehealth
  3. Provide patient case management services and inpatient consultations
  4. Educate patients on available community services and resources

Street Medicine Services

Note: Some services are provided periodically or intermittently. 

  • Telemedicine. Virtual consultations to provide medical assistance and follow-up care
  • Diabetic Education. Guidance and support for managing diabetes
  • Physical Therapy. Rehabilitation services to improve physical health
  • Endocrinology. Specialized care for hormone-related disorders
  • Pulmonary, Neurology, and Vision sub-clinics. Specialized clinics for respiratory, neurological, and vision health
  • Social Determinants of Health Screenings (SDoH). Assessments and resources to address social factors affecting health
  • Comprehensive Case Management. Assistance with medical and social needs, including housing, transportation, and documentation
  • Rapid HIV Testing. Quick and confidential HIV testing
  • Hepatitis C Testing (coming soon). Screening for Hepatitis C

Primary Care and Specialty Services

  • Primary Care
    • Internal medicine
    • Family medicine
  • OB/GYN. Comprehensive women's health services, including:
    • Prenatal and postpartum care
    • Contraception and family planning
    • Gynecological exams
    • Menstrual health and menopause management
    • Cancer screenings
  • Addiction Medicine. Support and treatment for substance use disorders
  • Pediatric Services
    • General examinations
    • Physical exams for school entry
    • Driver’s license examinations
    • Daycare forms
    • Sick and well visits
  • Podiatry. Foot and ankle care
  • Psychiatry. Mental health services

Street Medicine Telemedicine Kiosk

Telemedicine is a medical video solution that provides remote access to the Street Medicine health professionals.

Telemedicine is a medical video solution that provides remote access to the Street Medicine health professionals. The provider can address many health needs of a patient during a telemedicine visit. 

Schedule a virtual visit for a new or preexisting health issue. Here are a few examples:

  • Medication refills
  • Cold symptoms
  • Sore muscles and joints
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Diabetes education
  • Re-evaluations and follow ups

Provider - Jody Mill, CRNP, Director of Clinical Services for Street Medicine

Appointments - To make an appointment, call between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome at certain times.

Phone - Call 484-628-5434, if no answer, call 610-816-4002

Location - Hope Rescue Mission - 645 N. 6th St. Reading, PA 19601

La telemedicina es una solución de video médico que brinda acceso remoto a los profesionales de la salud de Street Medicine. El proveedora puede abordar muchas necesidades de salud de un paciente durante una visita de telemedicina. 

Programe una visita virtual para un problema de salud nuevo o preexistente. Aquí hay algunos ejemplos:

  • Resurtidos de medicamentos
  • Síntomas del resfriado
  • Dolor en los músculos y las articulaciones
  • Controles de presión arterial
  • Educación sobre la diabetes
  • Reevaluaciones y seguimientos

Proveedor - Jody Mill, CRNP, Directora de Servicios Clínicos para Street Medicine

Citas - Para hacer una cita, llame entre las 9 a.m. y 4 p.m. Los visitantes sin cita son bienvenidos a ciertas horas.

Llame - 484-628-5434, si no hay respuesta, llame al 610-816-4002

Ubicación - Hope Rescue Mission - 645 N. 6th St. Reading, PA 19601


  • Weekly Clinics. We provide primary and preventative care at various locations and times throughout the city.
  • Outreach Locations. Our outreach efforts extend to encampments, parks, under bridges, and along rivers and mountains throughout the county.

Clinic Partner Sites

We partner with multiple organizations to offer our services, including:

  • City Light Ministry - 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. 246 N. 9th Street, Reading
  • Hope Rescue Mission - 645 N. 6th Street, Reading Reading
  • Lighthouse Women's and Children Center - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 715 N. 6th St. Reading
  • Mary’s Shelter - 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. 615 Kenhorst Blvd, Reading
  • New Journey Community Outreach (the yellow church) - 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. 138 S. 6th Street, Reading
  • Reading YMCA - 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. 631 Washington Street, Reading

Key Collaborations

Our Street Medicine program collaborates with numerous hospital services, departments, and community resources to provide comprehensive care, including:

  • Community Connections Program (CCP)
  • Center for Public Health (CPH)
  • Mobile Mammography Coach
  • Soft Landing Program
  • Center of Excellence for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  • Drexel Medical School
  • Connections Work
  • Salvation Army
  • Berks Coalition to End Homelessness
  • Homelessness Outreach Taskforce

Our Progress

Street Medicine Encounters

  • FY2024: 3,725
  • FY2023: 2,130

Street Medicine Visits

  • FY2024: 2,283
  • FY2023: 1,320

Volunteer Hours

  • FY2024: 1,784.75
  • FY2023: 1,713.75

Street Medicine Encounters: Any encounter between a patient and Street Medicine team member (in person, by phone, and via the Telehealth Kiosk)

Street Medicine Visits: Any patient seen by a Street Medicine provider

*Data verified by Epic