Successful candidates are asked to complete the Residency Entering Interest and Self Assessment questionnaires via PharmAcademic prior to their arrival for the start of the residency. This will aid residents in identifying areas of strength, weakness, and interest. These forms are also utilized in developing the training schedule and residency plan for each resident.
Customized Residency Plan
The plan is written and developed collaboratively by the resident and program director during the first month of the residency. The plan includes the resident’s interests, areas for improvement, areas of strength, current and future goals, and the plan for training. This information is used to develop an individualized training schedule for the residents. The Resident’s Plan is updated on a quarterly basis by the resident’s advisor and resident and adjusted according to the resident’s progress.
Residents develop, with guidance from the residency director and their advisor, an annual schedule. The schedule includes all required and elective experiences, research project, staffing requirements, travel, miscellaneous assignments, meetings, and time off.
Required and Elective Learning Experiences
Structured learning experiences spread throughout a 12-month period are utilized to facilitate the achievement of the program outcomes. Within each structured experience, learning activities have been developed which allow the resident to meet the program’s goals and objectives. There are 14 mandatory learning experiences (seven rotation blocks, including orientation, and seven longitudinal) and a minimum of three elective learning experiences. The program is flexible to meet the individual needs of each resident. Residents are encouraged to develop areas of interest and become involved in all pharmacy activities.
One week prior to each learning experience, the resident will provide a statement of their goals to the preceptor providing an opportunity for the preceptor to evaluate and, if possible, to design specific activities to meet the resident’s goals. Activities and expectations to achieve the goals and objectives identified for each learning experience have been developed by each preceptor and are shared with the resident at the beginning of each experience.
Mandatory rotational learning experiences
- Orientation
- Adult Critical Care Medicine
- Adult Internal Medicine
- Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Medication Management (Pharmacy Administration)
- Neonatal Intensive Care Medicine
- Unit-Based Pharmacy
Elective rotational learning experiences are determined according to resident interest and preceptor availability. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Advanced Adult Critical Care Medicine
- Advanced Adult Internal Medicine
- Ambulatory Care (Amerisource)
- Emergency Medicine
- Heart Failure/Transitions of Care
- HIV Clinic (block)
- Medication Safety
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
- Research (block)
- Sterile Compounding
Required longitudinal learning experiences
The mandatory longitudinal learning experiences are:
- Ambulatory/Transitions of Care
- Drug Use Policy
- HIV Clinic
- Hospital Pharmacy Practice
- Medical Emergencies
- Project/Research
- Teaching/Precepting
Objectives have been selected to assure outcomes and goals are achieved through structured learning experiences. Flexibility has been designed into the program to permit individualization of the program to meet the personal interests and goals of the resident while directing attention to areas identified for improvement.
Program Features
Hospital Pharmacy Practice
Each resident is required to complete a pharmacy practice component of the residency program. This service component, often referred to as staffing, is crucial to the development of professional practice and distribution skills to ensure the provision of safe and effective pharmaceutical care. Through this longitudinal experience, the resident will develop insight into the operations, policies, and procedures of the acute care facility.
The service component of the residency program is fulfilled by each resident staffing every third weekend, every third Friday evening, and two holidays (including Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Memorial Day) throughout the year. The program complies with Pharmacy-Specific Duty Hours Requirements, taking regular residency hours as well as service hours into consideration.
Project & Research
Each resident is responsible for the completion of a residency project. Each resident must select the topic and have it approved by the Residency Steering Committee by September 1 of the residency year. Each resident will be assigned a preceptor to guide their work. A list of project ideas will be provided during the orientation period, but many residents propose original project ideas as well. Residents will be required to present project proposals to the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval. Organizational and departmental mission, values, and strategic initiatives are taken into account when selecting projects.
Residents are encouraged to submit the project as a work in progress for poster presentation at the ASHP Midyear Meeting. Presentation of the completed project (preferably as a podium presentation) at the Eastern States Residency Conference and submission of a written manuscript of publishable quality are requirements of the Residency Program.
Medication Use Evaluation
Each resident is required to participate in at least one Medication Use Evaluation (MUE). MUEs are conducted in support of patient care at Reading Hospital. Residents participating in MUEs will follow the policies and procedures determined by the IRB. Satisfactory performance as determined by the Residency Program Director or designee is required for the successful completion of this requirement.
Participation in Teams and Committees
Each resident is required to participate in the Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee. The residency class will share the responsibility of taking minutes for P&T meetings and preparing quarterly newsletters for distribution throughout the system. Each resident will prepare and present at least one drug monograph for formulary review. Residents will also be required to present a summary evaluation of their MUEs and any resulting recommendations to the P&T Committee.
Each resident is expected to play an active role on the Pharmacy Medication Safety Team in order to provide residents with the opportunity to better understand the QI process and how it impacts the functioning of the pharmacy department as well as patient care within Reading Hospital.
Quality Improvement/Process Improvement
Residents will be afforded numerous opportunities to be involved and gain direct experience in quality and process improvement initiatives through required experiences including the resident project, Medication Utilization Evaluation, Medication Management (Pharmacy Administration and Quality Improvement) Rotation, and participation on the P&T Committee and the Pharmacy Medication Safety Team. Additional opportunities exist to participate in departmental and institutional initiatives and to collaborate on Continuous Quality Improvement projects with medical residents.
Residents will have paid enrollment in the University of Connecticut Teaching and Learning Program. Sessions will be scheduled to review modules as a group with residents and participating preceptors completing the practice-based activities together, when possible, to earn the “Teaching and Learning Certificate of Accomplishment”.
Each resident is required to critically evaluate and formally present two research articles to the Department of Pharmacy staff. Residents are responsible for choosing a study on a topic of their interest and seeking an appropriate mentor depending on the specialty area. The goals of a journal club are to improve residents’ critical research literature evaluation, biomedical statistics, communication, and presentation skills.
Residents will be given opportunities to participate in and conduct staff education, as well as conferences and symposia outside the department by invitation.
Residents will assist and support preceptors of pharmacy students completing their APPE clinical rotations at the Reading Hospital. Each resident is expected to attend all student presentations.
Participation in Recruitment Efforts
Each resident will assist the department in recruiting new residents to the program. Because the current residents are a valuable source of information and advice for prospective candidates, time will be scheduled during the interview process for interviewees to interact with current residents. Each resident is also required to spend time providing information to potential candidates during the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and at Residency Showcases, as appropriate.